Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee

The Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Commission is an advisory body to the City Council on matters pertaining to water rates. The goal of the committee is to provide a recommendation to the City Council regarding appropriate new water rates. The Committee shall deliver a recommendation by January of 2024 but no later than April of 2024. The proposed Resolution provides for the natural expiration of the Committee after April of 2024.

Mission Statement: 
Provide a recommended rate plan to City Council that will ensure revenues cover the cost of service. The plan will ensure that the municipal water system will operate in an environmentally sound fashion, maintain regulatory compliance, adhere to the established budget, and provide safe drinking water and optimum fire protection.


  1. Ensure the City’s drinking water is safe and reliable 
  2. Encourage public engagement and transparency in the rate-setting process to ensure that all voices are heard and considered
  3. Ensure new development pays 100% of its impacts on City water and infrastructure
  4. Evaluate the cost of providing water services to ensure that rates are sufficient to cover necessary infrastructure maintenance and improvements
  5. Ensure the City’s water rates are in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including state and federal guidelines on water use and pricing.

City Council Staff Reports and Resolutions Establishing the Committee 

Staff ReportMeeting RecordingResolution 
February 21, 2023
February 21, 2023 Meeting Recording
Resolution 23-036
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023 Meeting Recording

March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023 Meeting Recording

2024 Meeting & Workshop Schedule


Prior City Council Presentations on Water




January 4, 2022

2021 Water System Master Plan Update (Addendum to 2016 WSMP)

Staff Report
Technical Memo
Meeting Recording

April 19, 2022

Water System Update

Staff Report
Meeting Recording

April 28, 2022

Water Workshop


    Draft Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
    Responses to Questions Received
Meeting Recording

Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee  




April 6, 2023
Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #1Agenda
Meeting Recording
Outreach Plan Presentation
April 27, 2023Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #2Agenda
Meeting Recording
History Presentation
May 25, 2023Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #3
Meeting Recording
10 Year Water Rate History Presentation
June 22, 2023Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #4
Meeting Recording
Outreach Report Presentation
Water Rate History Presentation
Presentation on Process of Selling a Public Water System
July 27, 2023Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #5
Meeting Recording
August 24, 2023Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #6
Meeting Recording
Financial History Presentation
October 26, 2023Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #7
Meeting Recording
Outreach Report Presentation
Operation Financial History Presentation
January 25, 2024Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Meeting #8
Meeting Recording
Outreach Report Presentation
Rate Study Kick-off Presentation
February 20, 2024Joint Meeting of the Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee & City Council
Water Rate Policy Workshop
Meeting Recording
Rate Setting Policy Workshop Presentation
March 11, 2024Financial Plan WorkshopAgenda
Meeting Recording
Financial Plan Workshop Presentation
April 8, 2024Rate WorkshopAgenda
Meeting Recording
Water Rate Workshop Presentation
April 25, 2024Final MeetingAgenda
Meeting Recording

Draft Water Rate Study

The draft water rate study is available here.
Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rate Adjustments Beginning August 2024

To view the full notice click here.
Para ver en español haga clic aquí.

Other Materials
City of Dixon Comment Letter on SWRCB-DDW-21-003 Hexavalent Chromium MCL
Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee Presentation Handout

Bill Insert May 2023
Bill Insert June 2023
Bill Insert August 2023
Bill Insert September 2023
Bill Insert October 2023
Bill Insert November 2023
Bill Insert December 2023
Bill Insert January 2024
Bill Insert February 2024
Bill Insert March 2024
Bill Insert April 2024
Bill Insert May 2024
Bill Insert June 2024

Water Ad Hoc Committee Outreach Report April 2024
Water Ad Hoc Committee Outreach Report January 2024
Water Ad Hoc Committee Outreach Report October 2023
Water Ad Hoc Committee Outreach Report June 2023
Water Ad Hoc Committee Outreach Report May 2023