Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rate Adjustments Beginning August 2024

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In February 2023, the Dixon City Council established the Water Rate Advisory Ad Hoc Committee (Committee). The goal of the Committee was to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding appropriate new water rates.

The Committee worked for over a year to review the financial and operational history of the water system and understand the system’s needs. The City held twelve public Committee meetings, a public workshop and answered 42 questions submitted by the public. In April 2024, the Committee voted to recommend a five-year rate schedule that will meet the critical and near-term needs of the water system. These increases are necessary to maintain a safe and reliable drinking water system and fund necessary capital improvement projects. The projects include well, tank and other system upgrades, but do not include treatment upgrades, including for Chromium 6.  

On May 7, 2024, City Council voted to support the Committee's recommendation. The rate study report and all Committee presentations, including a list of capital projects that this rate adjustment will fund, are available here.

How to Protest the Proposed Rate Adjustments

All property owners and customers of record receiving Dixon water service are invited to attend the Public Hearing on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 600 East A St., Dixon, CA to comment on the proposed rate adjustments that would take effect on August 1, 2024. 

In accordance with Proposition 218 and City of Dixon Resolution No. 12-040: 'Resolution of the City of Dixon Approving Guidelines for the Submission, Tabulation and Appeal of Protests Pursuant to Article XIII D of the California Constitution', any City property owner or tenant who is a water utility customer served by the City of Dixon may submit a written protest to the proposed rate changes before or during the Public Hearing. Only one written protest per identified parcel or property will be counted to determine whether there is a majority protest. If written protests are presented by a majority of the affected parcels, a rate adjustment will not be approved. Protests must be received in writing prior to the close of the Public Hearing to be considered. Electronic delivery of protests by fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Please be advised that pursuant to Government Code section 53759(d) there is a 120-day statute of limitation for any challenge to the new, increased or extended fee or charge. 

The written protest must be signed by a property owner(s) or customer(s), and must include a description of the affected property, including address and/or Assessor’s Parcel Number. 

Written protests can be mailed to: Administrative City Clerk, 600 East A St., Dixon, CA 95620. Written protests may also be hand-delivered to City of Dixon officials or staff at City Hall by 5:00p.m. on Tuesday, July 16, 2024, or until the close of the Public Hearing on the night of the City Council public hearing, Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 600 East A St., Dixon , CA. 

City Hall is located at 600 East A St., Dixon CA 95620. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

For the latest information from the City of Dixon, visit

Regional Rate Comparison

Lowest in the Region

The current City of Dixon water rates were adopted in 2013. Even with the proposed 2024 rate adjustment, City of Dixon rates will remain the lowest in the region. The chart below shows the average monthly water bill for residential customers in the region. The average residential  water bill is 12 units of water use and a ¾” meter fee.

Summary of Rates

Below is a summary of proposed changes to the monthly customer service charges and usage charges for water consumption. 

Did You Know? 

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