General Plan 2040 Update

General Plan Update - Dixon General Plan 2040 

This website serves as your one-stop shop for information about the City of Dixon’s General Plan Update project that was completed in May 2021. This page includes a description of the project, studies and presentations that were completed for the General Plan 2040 update.

The General Plan 2040 and its associated Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) were adopted by the City Council on May 18, 2021.  This project is now complete. The City Council conducted a public hearing and reviewed the Draft General Plan and Final EIR on May 18, 2021 and unanimously approved the General Plan update by adopting two resolutions, 1) Resolution certifying Final EIR, and adopting CEQA findings of fact and statement of overriding considerations, and 2) Adopting the General Plan 2040 with certain modifications. The General Plan process update is now complete and Final General Plan is published and posted on this site. All Staff reports, Environmental Review documents and other information associated with the update process are posted below.

Final General Plan 2040

The General Plan provided below is the adopted General Plan 2040, which was adopted as part of the General Plan update process. For the current General Plan, including any amendments since this adoption, please go to the General Plan Page

Final Adopted Dixon General Plan 2040, single document, adopted 5/18/21 (Large file, 54mb) 

Final Adopted General Plan 2040, by Chapter, adopted 5/18/21 

Final EIR

Draft EIR 

Documents from May 18, 2021 City Council Adoption Hearing 

Documents from March 9, 2021 Planning Commission Adoption Hearing

Project Status

The General Plan Update process consists of eight main steps. At this point, the Draft General Plan has been prepared, Environmental Review completed and the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed and considered its adoption at public hearings in spring 2021 Here is the project status for each:

1. Project InitiationComplete
2. Issues Assessment and OutreachCommunity Survey Complete
3. Vision Statement and Guiding PrinciplesComplete
4. Alternatives: SOI Expansion, Key Issues and OptionsComplete
5. Preferred Plan and Key PoliciesComplete
6. Draft General PlanComplete
7. Draft and Final EIRDraft EIR, Published July 8, 2020
Final EIR Published February 17, 2021 and updated April 13, 2021
8. Hearings and General Plan AdoptionPlanning Commission - March 9, 2021 (Commission reviewed and recommended approval to City Council)
City Council - May 18, 2021 (CIty Council Ceritfied EIR and adopted General Plan 2040)

At each stage, there are opportunities for community involvement and input. Community workshops are held for many tasks. Study sessions of the City Council and the Planning Commission, focusing specifically on the General Plan Update process, are held on a regular basis and are open to the public. Additionally, questions or comments about the plan and process are welcome at any time. Please see the Project Schedule for more information on the project timeline.

Dixon General Plan Community Survey Results

In 2015, the City’s General Plan consultant, Dyett and Bhatia, has completed the compilation and analysis of the General Plan Issues Community Survey recently circulated to the community. The City received 600 completed survey forms, representing responses from almost 5% of Dixon households.

The survey helped to inform decisions as to the Vision and Guiding Principles for preparation of the new General Plan, which will guide Dixon’s development in to the future for the next two decades.

The consultant prepared a draft Vision Statement and Guiding Principles for the General Plan and  the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed and endorsed the Vision Statement and Guiding Principles.

The survey results compilation and analysis (PDF) is available to read.